Hi. I am Carole Pollard, the author of Bible Orientation. I also am a pianist, mother and grandmother.

“What do you think children are missing in our program?” was the question posed by the Christian Education Director at my church. To my surprise, I had a ready answer: “The children don’t learn the Bible. They hear stories, memorize verses and learn values from it, but they don’t ever read the Bible themselves. They need to become familiar with the Bible, grasp its layout and get to know God along the way.”

Her next question, “Will you teach this?” initiated Bible Orientation, a Bible survey course for children. The students became increasingly eager to explore their Bibles as we moved along. They felt empowered. They were becoming Bible-smart Kids.

To my surprise, adults asked me to teach Bible Orientation to them. What an experience! Their faith was renewed and strengthened. Their trust in God’s word grew as they saw how the entire Bible fits together. And they were inspired to teach Bible Orientation to other adults; at seniors residences and then to their adult friends. I should not have been surprised, because Bible Orientation is about reading the Bible, a book for all ages. 

In Bible Orientation students

  • discover God’s covenant with Abraham and David in LAW and HISTORY
  • encounter the promise of a new covenant in the PROPHETS
  • find familiar stories in the HISTORY books and place POETRY and PROPHECY books into the context of those stories
  • identify the Bible’s famous characters, both children and adults
  • match Old Testament prophecy with New Testament fulfillment
  • compare the four GOSPEL accounts
  • realize that Jesus is the subject of the whole Bible
  • learn the definitions of the big theology words found in the EPISTLES
  • track down how the church started and what it is supposed to do
  • investigate what the Bible says about the trinity, baptism, and communion
  • memorize the order and categories of Bible books
  • see heaven’s celebration during the final battle on earth in REVELATION.

Through all this, our treasure box, the Bible, is unlocked.

Students become Bible-oriented.