Why do we do Sunday School?

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Is Sunday School the weekend version of daycare? Should Sunday School Curriculum aspire to dazzle and entertain so parents will choose our church? Do Sunday School lessons teach moral lessons? Do they recount Bible stories? Does our Sunday School Curriculum introduce Jesus to our children?

Could we do even better? Consider the proverb: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. What if our Sunday School Curriculum used the Bible as textbook? Could Sunday School lessons make children so comfortable with this big, intimidating book that they would read Bible stories for themselves? Should Sunday School Curriculum lead children to discover what the Bible says about Jesus? Would teachers, traditionally the source of information, have the patience to relinquish that role in favor of guiding Bible exploration?

Imagine a Sunday School Curriculum that prepares children to be workers who rightly handle the word of truth, the workers that have God’s approval according to II Timothy 2:15. Now that’s a lofty reason to do Sunday School!